fun sites around the web

A collection of fun and old websites, its kinda of one of my hobbies to search around for old websites, i appreciate old web design very much

And also some of these are for website material, most of the assets in my website are most likely taken from one of these pages

oocities sites

oocities is an archive of geocities websites !!!
i have some fun websites saved from oocities, its a very big archive

angelfire sites

angelfire is a plataform to create sites, much like neocities, many websites have been left untouched since the early 2000s, and they have very cute layouts
(please note that some of them often automatically download midis)

sites around the web

other fun sites i found, most of there are web material sites

if you wish to have your website removed from here, feel free to contact me !!! you can find my tumblr on my about page

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